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Sene, Brooklyn's Sene, Sene & Blue, Sene interview, Bothering Sene

Brooklyn's Sene took a chance with his official debut A Day Late & A Dollar Short, but the risks taken resulted in one of the year's best freshman records. We traded emails with Sene to find out more about the record and his possible sneak appearance on the tv show Man vs. Food.

How did you hook up with Blu to produce your record? What happened to the name Patch Adams as your collabo?

I had been out in California for a little while. We had met and already built rapping with each other. One
day he called me and when I answered, it was a beat playing, and he said
he had made a few and wanted to shoot them to me. We started talking
about it and said fuck it, we'll do an EP.

He sent someone to pick me up and we just got going. When we had a group
of songs together, we were hanging out one night at his spot and we
were like you want to just do a full length? After starting to piece it
together as a full length we figured dropping the Patch [Adams] name would save
us a bunch of [copyright] issues, as well as let people know who was behind the
project from the jump. It was my first full LP, so it was my debut. We thought it'd be much smarter to put it out under the actual names we had garnered recognition with than a name new to all.

How's the reception for A Day Late & A Dollar Short been thus far? Gotten any responses that surprised you?

been going over very well. I'm grateful for that. We had made a ballsy
move in trying to do this sound. So honestly, I thought it would take a
while for people catch on to the doo wop influence, and I know for a
tiny second there we got cold feet about what the response might be to
some of the more doo wop sounding tracks. But it all worked out in our
favor. Like I said, I'm extremely grateful for the support we've been
getting, some have been a bit bolder than others in going as far to
telling me what record(s) they prefer it too, which was kind of out of
the blue. Definitely didn't expect to hear some of what I've heard. In
a good way. I'm thankful to everyone supporting.

Where in Brooklyn do you reside? What's your favorite spot to grab a bite to eat in your neighborhood?

I stay around the corner from Nostrand Ave in Sheepshead.
I'm across the street from Sheepshead High School. Definitely a back
and forth between two places I grew up eating. I mean I'm a pizza fiend,
but the two spots for sure are Brennan & Carr and Roll &
Roaster. Couldn't do without'em. I missed'em hard body when I was living
in Cali. That show Man Vs. Food was just filming in Brennan & Carr
a few weeks ago while I was eating. That restaurant has been on
Nostrand Ave since 1933 or something.

As a Brooklyn MC, you've got a rich history of rappers that have
brought shine to your Burrough. What Brooklyn MC influenced you to
start rapping (or was it someone outside the BK)?

were a few records that really made me want to get into rapping, but
Mos Def was my favorite coming up. Of course I bumped a lot of Jay, Big, Masta Ace. But Mos Def was my favorite coming up as a little guy. I
felt like he embodied the title “emcee.”

Done any
shows with artists you never imagined you'd share a bill with or
dreamed of being on the same bill as and saw it fulfilled?

There's been a few, but honestly I'd have to say when Blu brought me on this mini stretch with Elzhi.

me he's one of the greats and to be able to rock on the same set with
Blu, then have Elzhi headlining, it wasn't about the magnitude of the
name. To me it's about cats I respect and that was fun. I could take
the easy route and name drop as far as big acts on the same bill, but it
isn't just about that to me, honestly.

How long did you live out in Cali? What brought you out there?

had met some folks from out there when I was in Miami with a couple of
homies. I went out there to see what Cali was like and I thought, “shit
this might be a nice change.” You know, get away from things, kind of
live a different lifestyle. I packed my things and moved out there
alone at 18 and ended up staying for five years. Couldn't go to school exactly
how I planned so music started taking a larger role.

What did you miss most about the East, while you lived out there?

ask because I'm out here right now; Nor Cal. I miss pizza hella bad. Cali doesn't know it, but its pizza is bad. I
was in NY in August, I must have eaten pizza every other day that
month. Just to get my fill.

Although the Mexican food out here is proper.

food in general was something I missed like hell. You guys have dope Mexican food out there, but I'm Puerto Rican. [laughs] So there was definitely a lot of foods I missed. I don't have any family out in Cali.
I mean now I feel as though I do. I've built dope relationships with a
great deal of people out there so it feels like fam. Just as far as
blood, or folks I grew up with, I had none out there. So I missed my
day one peoples.

has been a good year for hip hop in my opinion. I've heard a lot of
great freshman records. I think hip hop has needed the younger cats to step up and make great records. Who do
you think has made a great record this year?

As far as freshman go… what I've heard of the Co$$ album sounds
great. But with labels and the behind the scenes stuff that goes on, I'm
not sure if it will drop this year. As far as the last full year I been
really feeling what Shawn Jackson has put out as well. Elzhi'sThe Preface was a
a dope listen also.

There's been a bunch. If I kept going I'd be here a while trying to not leave something out.

Any plans to tour in support of your record?

we are working on booking different things right now. I'll be hopping
on the road and in different events as much as possible. There are a
few trips that if all goes well I'm really looking forward to.

It's a bit premature to mention just yet but I'm very happy with some of
the opportunities that have been presenting themselves in response to
the record so there will be some interesting dates coming up. Stay tuned.